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European Whole Body Cleansing

If you suffer from:

constipation or diarrhea chronic fatigue syndrome
abdominal distention, bloating or gas food allergies
pain sexual dysfunction
colitis prostate problems
irritable bowel syndrome PMS
Candida or parasites vaginal yeast infection
skin problems headache, back pain or arthritis
irritability or nervousness bacterial imbalances after antibiotics
depression or mood swings chemotherapy or hormonal treatment

you may never even consider that the source of your problems is the inner toxicity in your body.

We offer a comprehensive, scientifically proven European Whole Body Cleansing Program that is widely used in European Health Spa for healing, and rejuvenation. This program will help you to live longer, look younger, feel better, and improve the quality of your life.

Feel Better and Look Younger with this unique Whole Body Cleansing Program that includes:

Colon Hydrotherapy
Restoration of Friendly Intestinal Flora
Healing with Karlovy Vary Mineral Water
Healing Food Consultations
Nutritional Supplementation
Herbal Medicine
Ear Diagnostic
Weight Management

Click here to find out more about European Whole Body Cleansing Program

To make an appointment click here or call (415) 409-3939

Featured Dietary Supplement

Karlovy Vary Mineral Water

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