Home  ❯  Uncategorized   ❯   THE LIVER DYSFUNCTION  SYNDROME


The liver is the body’s workhorse, performing a greater munber of functions than any other organ. In particular the liver is responsible for the detoxification of any external poisons as well as those produced within the body. Diseases of the liver are occurring with an alarmingly high frequency.  Such diseases include liver cancer, hepatitis, Gilbert’s disease, liver abscesses, parasitic infestation, diabetes, and cirrhosis.

Alcoholism is rampant, and as many as 30 million Americans suffer liver damage as a result of constant abuse. Alcoholics constitute a greater number of addicted individuals than all heroin, marijuana, cocaine, and pescription drug addicts combined. Alcoholics pay a heavy price for chronic consumption. As many as a million liver cells, as well as brain cells, are destroyed by a single alcoholic drink. It should be no surprise that alcohol is the number one cause of liver disease. Yet, heavy damage is inflicted upon other organs as well. Alcohol is a primary cause of hypertension, stroke, pancreatic disease, and heart disease as well as numerous types of cancer.

Long-term consumption of alcohol causes extensive liver damage, ultimately resulting in hepatitis and cirrhosis. Hepatitis is a potentially life-threatening disease. Alcohol consumption is one of many causes of hepatitis. Infectious hepatitis may develop as a result of inappropriate hygiene and sanitation, the consumption of foul water, or food contamination (for instance, shellfish contaminated by water-borne feces). Chemical hepatitis may occur as the result of drug/alcohol addiction, toxic chemical exposure poisoning, and drug reactions. Additionally, hepatitis can be transmitted during sex and, in fact, occurs most commonly in the sexually promiscuous.

The liver marshals several essential functions. It acts as the primary storage depot for nutrients: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and co-enzymes. The synthesis of various proteins occurs primarily in the liver, including the crucial antioxidant enzymes, such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase. Additionally, it aids in the metabolism of a variety of hormones, including thyroid hormone, estrogen, and adrenal steroids. Finally, the liver is the primary organ responsible for the detoxification and decomposition of molecular compounds, whether natural or synthetic. For instance, it is the only organ which can efficiently rid the body of the breakdown products of commonly consumed substances, such as alcohol, drugs, fat-soluble vitamins, preservativeservatives, artificial colors/flavors and/or hormones.

All obese individuals suffer from impaired liver function. That is because the liver is the first internal  organ to become infiltrated with fat. The fat is deposited within the liver cells, which are known as hepatocytes, greatly impairing their ability to function. In the extreme, this fat infiltration causes balloon degeneration of the liver cells or, put simply, cellular death. Usually, when the weight is lost the liver cells regenerate and function returns to normal. In addition, certain nutrients, notably biotin, lipoic acid, thiamine, inositol, choline, and methionine, aid in liver cell regeneration by reversing fatty liver.

This exam is  applicable to those suffering from extensive liver disease as well as individuals whose livers simply aren’t working up to speed. The liver is the human body’s primary detoxification organ, and it processes billions of molecules of noxious agents every hour of every day. Therefore, it is crucial to keep the liver in an optimal a state of health.

Which of these apply to you?

  1. intolerance to alcohol
  2. intolerance to sugar
  3. tendency to gain weight easily
  4. blood sugar disturbances
  5. pale, greasy stools that float
  6. chronic indigestion unrelieved by antacids
  7. intolerance to fatty foods and/or cooking oils
  8. foul-smelling bowel gas
  9. sensitivity to chemical fumes (exhaust fumes, diesel fumes, perfumes, etc.)
  10. high cholesterol and/or triglycerides (or excessively low cholesterol – below 140 mg/dl)
  11. persistent sleepiness (narcolepsy) and/or fatigue
  12. sudden hair loss
  13. right-sided upper abdominal pain
  14. chronic itching (pruritus)
  15. dark circles and/or bags under the eyes
  16. Do you consume alcohol regularly (4 or more drinks per week)?
  17. Are you 20 or more pounds overweight?
  18. Do you have a history of hepatitis and/or cirrhosis?
  19. Do you have a history of intestinal or hepatic parasites?
  20. Do you consume Tylenol on a daily or weekly basis?
  21. Has your gallbladder been removed, and/or do you have a history of gallstones?
  22. Do you have chronic constipation (fewer than one bowel movement per day)?
  23. Do you take two or more prescription medications on a daily basis?
  24. Have you in the past or do you currently use recreational or hard drugs (marijuana, cocaine, heroine, etc.)?
  25. Have you received or are you currently receiving chemotherapy treatments?
  26. Are you taking cholesterol-lowering medications?
  27. Do you work with or near toxic chemicals, or have you worked with them in the past?
  28. Do you have elevated bilirubin and/or liver enzymes?
  29. Do you have a history of impaired immunity and/or immune deficiency?
  30. Do you have thick ridges on the fingernails?
  31. Do you take birth control pills, or have you taken them for one year or longer in the past?
  32. Do you have a low blood globulin level?
  33. Are you a diabetic, or do you have a significant family history of diabetes?
  34. Do you have a tendency to bleed excessively (poor blood clotting)?
  35. Do you have giardia infection, intestinal worms, or amoebic dysentery?

Your Score______

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