Unfortunately, pancreatic diseases are common. Thousands of Americans are involved in the terrible chain of acute pancreatitis – chronic pancreatitis – pancreatic cancer. Millions of people suffer from latent pancreatic insufficiency with digestive problems such as gas, bloating, abdominal pain or cramps, constipation or diarrhea, food intolerances, food allergies, etc.
The pancreatic disease often causes hospitalization, disability, and disruption of social life due to chronic diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss. Patients with chronic pancreatic disease may experience feelings of helplessness and frustration. The consequences of pancreatic diseases are depression, sometimes up to suicide, or drug addiction.
Conventional non-surgical treatment of the various symptoms and complications of chronic pancreatic diseases address the two main problems of pancreatic pain and insufficiency, including pain relief with analgesics and narcotics, administration of pancreatic enzymes, and diet modification.
But pancreatic diseases are an extremely complex problem. Undoubtedly, alternative therapies can improve the quality and life expectancy of people suffering from pancreatic diseases.
There is a simple example of how alternative therapies can help people with chronic pancreatic disease.
Holistic medicine focuses on the root of the problems that cause pancreatic congestion, inflammation, and possible cancer.
At the heart of the development of pancreatic diseases are three critical questions:
• Deficiency of minerals, trace elements, and bicarbonates, causing acidosis (whole body acidity) and changes in the biochemistry of bile and pancreatic juice.
• Difficulties with the production and excretion of bile and pancreatic juice.
• Dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi (a valve between the pancreatic and bile ducts and the duodenum).
All these problems can influence and exacerbate each other. All of them can drive the development of symptoms and complications of pancreatic diseases. Even before pancreatitis occurs, changing them can give people with chronic pancreatic illnesses a chance to recover.
Here it makes sense to look back at European doctors’ experience using healing mineral water to treat chronic diseases of the pancreas. Read more here. https://www.biotherapy-clinic.com/category/pancreatic-disorders
If you need more information, please call us (415) 409-3939.
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