This article might be for you or someone you love, it is for sufferers that are looking for help. Clostridium difficile has other names such as CDF, C. diff, antibiotic-associated colitis; colitis – pseudomembranous; necrotizing colitis. Unfortunately, common treatment of the C. difficile with antibiotics cannot prevent from relapses.
This opportunistic infection causes diarrhea and it is linked to 14,000 American deaths each year, and this is only official statistic.
Some researchers suggest that the C. diff is linked to more than 30,000 deaths per year in the United States, and it strikes about half a million of Americans annually. It is truly a superbug. Why is C. diff a superbug? For now, in the battle between antibiotics’ and C. difficile, victory is on the side of the resistant species of this microbe.
Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterium that causes watery diarrhea, bloody stool, fever, nausea, abdominal pain, or cramps. C. difficile may cause serious intestinal conditions such as colon inflammation (colitis).
People in good health do not generally get sick from C. difficile. Usually we can get Clostridium from food and water.10 percentage of the population has this microbe in the gut without noticeable symptoms. A healthy person has a defense mechanism that protects him or her from this superbug.
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