Dear Mr. Melamed,

I am so happy to found you. For the first time after 3 weeks I slept without pain in my left shoulder. The acupuncture worked well on my body as usual. I have been using acupuncture technique for over 30 years and I have always had a positive result. Thank you so much for introducing me to so many great supplements. For the first time after many years my stomach was feeling normal. I usually get that feeling after my hydrotherapy session. It’s amazing how well it made me feel on my first day!

I am looking forward to seeing you this Friday and I am committed to make my immune system stronger. For the sake of my family and my late mother who I spent most of my time taking care of her for the past 20 years. I didn’t have time to take care of myself and now it’s time to fix all the issues that I have been putting off with my body.

Thank you again for your kind service and your wisdom.